Fundacja Liberté! uhonorowana Nagrodą Atlas Network Europe Liberty!

Fundacja Liberté! uhonorowana Nagrodą Atlas Network Europe Liberty!

Podczas tegorocznego Atlas Network Europe Liberty Forum, Fundacja Liberté! otrzymała nagrodę Regional Liberty Atlas Network Europe Liberty Award za projekt, jakim są Igrzyska Wolności!

Ogromne podziękowania dla naszych partnerów, dla Atlas Network, a także dla Was – uczestników i uczestniczek Igrzysk, dzięki którym nasze działania mają sens!

Since 2014, Fundacja Liberte! has held their two-and-a-half day Freedom Games event to create a space for liberty-minded individuals to gather and discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead for classical liberalism. Held in Lodz, Poland, the organizers were forced to innovate in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and move the event online. The organizers realized the potential of a hybrid format, and in 2021 Freedom Games were streamed online, in addition to meeting in-person. Working in conjunction with other Atlas Network partners, like-minded organizations, local and global businesses, and the city government has allowed Fundacja Liberte! to reach a global audience, with last year’s event reaching over two million online participants. They look forward to building on their success and learning experience during this year’s Freedom Games event in October – czytamy w laudacji zamieszczonej na stronie Atlas Network.

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