About Liberté! Foundation

The Liberté! Foundation (Fundacja Liberté!) is a think tank and a civil society organization founded in 2007 in Poland.

The main focus of our activities is publishing expert, ideological, socio-political Liberté! magazine – a quarterly magazine in print and an online magazine www.liberte.pl. Our mission is to promote civic engagement for community, an open society, liberal economic ideas, European integration, and to organize a social movement around these ideas in Poland.

The Foundation is a member of expert organizations: 4liberty.eu network, Atlas network, and European Liberal Forum (ELF). We cooperate with: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, Atlas Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Stefan Batory Foundation, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland, Polish National Centre for Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, Polish Book Institute, City of Lodz Office.

Team of the Freedom Games

Błażej Lenkowski

Director of the Forum


Leszek Jażdżewski

Program Coordinator


Olga Łabendowicz

Guest Relations and Promotion Coordinator


Joanna Głodek

Social Media, Ehibitor and Participant Service Coordinator


Marcin Malecki

Cultural Program and Logistics Coordinator


Magdalena M. Baran

Program Consultant


Natalia Banaś

Junior Guest Relations Coordinator


Zespół ekspertów programowych:

Magdalena M. Baran
Piotr Beniuszys
Sławek Drelich
Tomasz Kamiński
Tomasz Kasprowicz
Olga Łabendowicz
> Marcin Malecki
Magda Melnyk
Weronika Michalak
Sekretarz zespołu: Joanna Głodek

Other projects

Other projects


Liberté! is a quarterly magazine in print. Our credo is to reflect on the reality in a critical manner, remain skeptical of all ideologies, take the world around us and ourselves with caution and a bit of irony, to treat freedom of an individual as the key principle guiding the politics, focusing on both European and global perspective for Poland, to bravely promote the seemingly unpopular ideas that we believe to be important, at the same time remaining open-minded towards other points of view, to be open for a debate, exchanging reasonable arguments. Our Editorial Team consist of journalists and contributors from around Poland.

Board of the Foundation

Błażej Lenkowski

Prezes Fundacji


Liberté! Foundation

(Main Organizer of Freedom Games)

102 Piotrkowska Street

90–004 Lodz, Poland

e-mail: fundacja@findustrial.pl


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