Freedom Games 2023: “Turning Point” as Watchword of the Next Edition

Freedom Games 2023: “Turning Point” as Watchword of the Next Edition

We are pleased to announce that the next edition of the event will be held on September 15-17, 2023 in Lodz, and the accompanying slogan will be “Turning Point”!

History is not determined. It is created by us with our collective efforts and individual choices. Which path will we take: passivity and defeat or courage and victory?

Russian aggression against Ukraine, skyrocketing energy prices, high inflation, imminent economic and climate crisis, and the pace of technological change make it difficult to look to the future with optimism. 

Increasing polarization makes it more and more difficult to find a coherent response to these challenges. Left and right populists are trying to destroy the liberal institutions which enable democracies to avoid internal conflicts.

At the same time, voters gradually reject seemingly simple solutions based on xenophobia and exclusion of those who think differently. Similar processes are also taking place in Poland. A turning point is coming for the future of the entire region, democracy, the rule of law and the model of capitalism.

During the tenth anniversary edition of the Freedom Games, a new generation of experts, NGOs, business, politicians, and citizens will present a proposal for change, a way to tame uncertainty, and a prospect for the future both locally and globally.

Determination and the will to fight, when backed by proper planning and preparation, make it possible to get out of even a seemingly dire situation. This is a lesson learned from the heroic resistance of the Ukrainians.

It is time to confront key geopolitical, economic, environmental, and social challenges together for the sake of ourselves, here and now, but also for the next generations, who have the right to a secure future.

The turning point is here and now. Let’s meet at the Freedom Games.


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